Sunday, August 04, 2013

CatchUp - 5 Weeks To Go!

Live is crazy mad at the moment, and blogging numerous times during the week is impossible.  I think I'm just going to try and do weekly updates until we touch down in Welly - we'll see how that goes.

The Gathering is two weeks away, and our flights to NZ are in a just over five weeks.  I think the phrase is burning the candle at both ends.

So what have we been up to?

Well we've accepted an offer on the house, so have been sorting details with estate agents and instructing solicitors.  I've been trying to get our shipping quote down, which is near as damn it seven grand, and the giant headache has been dealing with Harry.  Turns out he needs a rabies jab before he flies which he hadn't had.  And then he can't fly for 6 months after then!  He had the jab as soon as I found out, and so we need to find a home for our pooch for 4 1/2 months.  We are hopeful we might have a willing foster parent for him though.  And so I've been sorting quotes for flying a dog, and then quarantine, and the nightmare that is the order and schedule of his required jabs.  It seems it will cost more to take the dog to NZ than its cost for all of our flights!

Away from organising the worlds most awesome car show and our emigration we've even got out the house once!  A lovely trip to Rowney Warren with Helen, Clauds and Amy.

And yesterday Bill came to visit to lend a hand with getting El Nino ready for the container.  NZ are so strict with biosecurity that everything has to go super clean (from dirt not grease) and then pass various safety tests.  I have had it confirmed that, being a racecar, Nino just needs to get through the bio examination.  

We got loads done, and its a rolling chassis again, ready to go in a container now.  My automotive 'to do' list is still ridiculous though.  I am waiting for new front springs to arrive from America for the Benz so that I can sell it, Nana needs going over if she is going to make the crate, and the Ducati needs a thorough going over.  I just dunno how its all going to get done, and in truth something might have to give.

Thanks to Tasha's parents I had managed to get the chassis rubbed back and two coats of chassis black painted and dry before the weekend arrived.  In a day Bill and I managed to get the gearbox and rear end together, front suspension and steering reassembled and the shell in place.  I have also learnt that, when landscaping your garden, it is wise to make sure you can get your racecar shell out again!