Tuesday, June 12, 2012

May 2012 at FTC

Right, so what have I missed out from events at FTC last month?

Well it was a big push on the household D.I.Y front.

The development of the chooks learning to high jump out of their run and the torrential downpours highlighting failings with the old temporary chicken roof pushed me into some serious coop renovation.

And so the old roof was removed;

A new framework was built;

And the new roofing sheets were screwed down;

After then digging out the bog that had become their run I gave them a nice fresh coverage of bark to scratch about in.  Don't they just look overjoyed!

With the chickens now safely tucked away I set about finishing the raised beds and getting the remainder of the gravel down  - which I'm pleased to say is now pretty much finished, and we even have a picnic bench in place!

The other big development to FTC last month was the kids bedroom.  It was decided that the spare room was to become the kids bedroom and Alfie's room the spare room.

This was the spare room, which had become something of a dumping ground. But that's the same for everyone, right?!

And so with the room emptied the underlay went down

And then the flooring, which Alfie absolutely loved ... as you can see.

And with the boy asleep in his new abode Tash built up the room for his awakening in the morning.

And whilst all that went on Esme largely focused on food.  Weaning has begun, and instead of having her weight gain start to plateau it has continued to rise.  My girls got proper rolls and creases!

1 comment:

Tash said...

She's going to kick your ass for posting that photo one day ;-)