So, can somebody please explain to me why, in view of what I have just said, I was tempted to err from this path to the seduction of the “we organise everything” promises of a large company? Convenience I hear you say? I think not baby puppy!!
There is one irrefutable rule of life, if you get a large company involved, things go wrong. The kitchen was no exception:
The first delivery went back to the depot undelivered because they didn’t tell us when they were going to arrive.
The second delivery comprised half the kitchen because the rest had vanished
Said vanished cabinets were tracked down to Sidcup and returned 2 days later
The cabinets, now returned with a stern warning about wanderings, included the wrong cooker housing
Manager of store delivers the correct housing himself and inform us that the centrepiece of the kitchen is out of stock until October.
I lose my will to live.
The week itself was a fairly enjoyable one, although I have to admit I got very little of my “To Do” list done as I spent most of the week looking after Harry. This wasn’t my initial plan but after he snuck into the kitchen and stole one of the fitter’s sandwiches on the first day I decided the supervision was the order of the day to prevent him being nailed to the nearest wall.
What we DID manage to do, however, was install the old kitchen in the barn. As you can see, the old workshop is now looking a lot more, well, workshoppy. You can’t fault the facilities, there’s not a lot workshops that have solid oak cabinets to hold the oil and spare parts. There are currently plans for many, many power tools and, no doubt, enough gadgetry for Keith to fabricate his own space shuttle if the mood took him. I, on the other hand, am just glad of the temporary peace and quiet.
If any of you are still wondering what the outcome of the week was, see below.

We cooked our first “proper” meal there this weekend though and I couldn’t have wished for more, stood in front of the stove with the dog curled up on the floor and Keith pottering around and being affectionate. Humble dream I know, but it had been my dream for a long time and at that moment I couldn’t have been happier if I had won the lottery.
Of course the peace was soon shattered by the dog jumping up to steal some dinner, sending my into his water bowl while Keith hollered from the general direction of the sofa – but you can’t win them all.
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