Tash is sat down watching Whitechapel, so it seems an ideal time to update the blog! Anything to spare me of yet more 'crime' on our TV!
Its been a busy few weeks, and I haven't found five minutes to keep things up to date, so here's a quick recap.
The weekend of 2nd/3rd October was Dads birthday - his 60th no less! We had a lovely weekend up in Norfolk, and Alfie was even kind enough to wake me at 3am so as not to miss the MotoGP! All photos I took are on the video camera ... which Tash has left in Alfie's room. And after the past two nights there is NO WAY I am going to risk entering that hideous monsters little cavern. Instead, I shall cover Dads birthday weekend in another blog entry, hopefully to come before the week is out.
Once back from Norfolk much of life at FTC has been spent getting ready for Autumn and Winter. With the logs delivered, and me spending more time working in the barn, I decided a log burner for the barn would be a good idea. Funnily enough, I had an old fuel drum at the top of the garden I needed to get rid of.
And so in the space of two hours this ...

became this ...

I just need to weld on a door and some legs, and then scour the scrapyard for a suitable flue! I cannot wait to have heating in the barn.
We've taken Alfie out for a few meals recently - its handy doing mystery shops and having some vouchers tucked away! We have discovered the secret to "food fun with boy young" is balloons. If Alfie has a balloon, he can stay out all night. This picture accurately depicts how crazy he goes! There is a balloon in that picture somewhere!

And finally the garden. I have a mountain of work ahead of me this winter, and so today I decided the remaining crops had to go. Thats it, year 1 (for me) of crop growing is over. I am dead chuffed with how things went, and even today still harvested a load of green tomatoes!
The garden went from this ...

To this! ....

And on that note, I made good use of our 14 tonnes of tomatoes and courgettes the other day by making picalilly. As far as i'm aware I've never had it before, and I sure as hell haven't made it before. Judging by the fact it tore out my nasal hairs when I gave it a sniff I think it might be quite potent! Hugh's recipe did me grand, but even with half weight of veg I still had twice the amount for my rather pathetic 2 jars! Anyone visiting FTC in the next fortnight can expect picallily on *insert any other food item you can find in our bare fridge*.

I am now off to make my demanding wife a cup of oooolong tea. Sadly I cannot have tea as said wife has once again forgotten to buy milk.
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