We have had something of a technology meltdown recently, which is why i'm so late in updating this. Hopefully a new laptop and internet connection will arrive within the month so a better than ever service will be in full force during Feb.
For New Year we went down to visit Bill and Linz, and then on New Years Day we made the trip up to Brightlingsea to spend some time fishing. The omens weren't good for Bill and I, as everyone was saying there was no fish about and nothing was being caught. Still, we thought we'd throw some lines in, cos its better than not trying at all. Sadly the locals were bang on the money - it was cold, so cold we had problems getting the bait to defrost, and we didn't even have a knock! When we caught wind of the fact Tash and Linz were sat in the curry house we raised anchor and headed for shore. I did take some photos, but I can't get them off the camera due to aforementioned technological problems.
Being away for a few days did give Tash a chance to try Alfie with a new position in the sling. Thankfully I took this photo with my phone, and so I can get it onto the blog so you can see just how much he enjoyed it!

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